Public Mobile Learning Scenarios Weblog now on-line

This week, we launched our “Mobile Learning Scenarios Weblog” (hosted by the LMLG, and part of the “Network for Mobile Learning Scenarios”). People interested in letting teachers, researchers and policy makers know about their mobile learning practice in formal and informal learning contexts are invited to submit their scenarios. Please spread the word! As the… Continue reading Public Mobile Learning Scenarios Weblog now on-line

Mobile learning: Strategies for planning and implementing learning with mobile devices in secondary school contexts.

Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School

Bereits vor einigen Monaten erschienen ist ein Artikel von mir, Norbert, Pachler, Ben Bachmair und Beat Döbeli-Honegger zur Implementierung von Mobilem Lernen in den Schulunterricht. Details zum Lehrbuch, das sich an Lehrkräfte an weiterführenden Schulen richtet, sind verfügbar unter Abstract: As the history of mobile learning, which extends to more than a decade by… Continue reading Mobile learning: Strategies for planning and implementing learning with mobile devices in secondary school contexts.