Un-conferencing formats at MLCB conference

We now compiled a list with descriptions of the un-conferncing formats that we do at the MLCB conference in Bremen on Monday and Tuesday. They are available on the conference website at www.londonmobilelearning.net/bremen, and – for your convenience – here as well:


Radio Workshop
Graham Attwell will introduce in radio making and streaming. This small workshop is followed by a live radio session during lunch time.

Paper jam
Participants get together in small groups and choose a topic on which they are then going to work during the following hour. Aim is to produce a 1 to 2 pages paper that has to me made public on the internet by the single groups.

Poster session
Poster are exhibited on walls or displayed through video projectors positioned in the foyer of the venue. A guide guides the audience from poster to poster. At each of the stations, the poster’s author gives a short presentation. The audience is invited to ask questions and to step into a dialogue with the presenter. The group will afterwards rotate to another poster. Poster session will be held in English and German. Duration of the individual presentations is chaired by the guide and depends on the number of posters.

Speed debate (Monday’s closing session by using speed debate format, enhanced by wiffiti)
Participants post provocative statements on wiffiti (http://wiffiti.com/). Participants then choose issues by voting which will be discussed within 5-10 minutes by this day’s session chairs. Audience will vote the winning side.

Speed dating & shared experience session
Participants will line up in pairs. Each pair gets 5 minutes to present themselves to each other. After 5 minutes, the participants will look for another unknown person. After 30 minutes, you will have met 6 new people from the field. Aim is to learn about people around you which might be helpful to address specific issues in the second half of this un-conferencing session.
In ther second half-hour-slot, after this speed dating session and when people are familiar with each other and learned a bit about peoples’ research focus, participants get together – either in small groups or as plenum – and present their own work by making short statements (1 minute). By doing so, they point on areas that worked well and that can be adopted by others. Also, they point on specific issues that caused problems during the work and which need to be resolved. Participants answer and provide support by giving input in form of their experiences. This should not take more than 4 minutes so that, by the end of the un-conferencing session, 6 projects were discussed. One of the aim of this un-conerencing session is collaborative problem solving.

Media production
Participants will produce small 3-minutes how-to videos with their mobile phone cameras. To plan this video, people meet in small groups and write a story board (within 5-10 minutes). Further 5-10 minutes are dedicated to recording the video. Cutting is not allowed (one take, one shot).

Autonomous unconferencing
Slots free for un-conferencing filled and chaired by participants.